I looooove this video!! My daughter has very curly hair. She comes from mixed roots and her hair is not easy to comb or style. This makes her upset because she says she wants to be able to comb her hair, like some of her friends with straight hair can.
I used to get really sad when she would get upset, but I realize it's ok for her to go through those feelings. The more people she meets with hair like her, the more comfortable and happy she seems to be about her hair. Even though everyone stops her on the street to tell her how beautiful her hair is, and no matter how much I tell her, she needs to feel it and believe it herself.
I always tell her how important it is to love yourself the way you are. We all know everyone wants what they can't have, but it's so important that we help our munchkins to LOVE what they do have. If you or your child can relate, you should watch this video. It's adorable, and I think it will make you all smile :)
I used to get really sad when she would get upset, but I realize it's ok for her to go through those feelings. The more people she meets with hair like her, the more comfortable and happy she seems to be about her hair. Even though everyone stops her on the street to tell her how beautiful her hair is, and no matter how much I tell her, she needs to feel it and believe it herself.
I always tell her how important it is to love yourself the way you are. We all know everyone wants what they can't have, but it's so important that we help our munchkins to LOVE what they do have. If you or your child can relate, you should watch this video. It's adorable, and I think it will make you all smile :)
Thanks Rach! xo
You're welcome homme slice! Put up a link to the video for people to click. Its super cute.