Dearest Clarity
I wish that you fully love who you are and everything that you are.
That you embrace being a woman, love being a woman and see the power and beauty in being a woman.
You feel honored and comfortable in your own beautiful skin.
You live your life to the fullest.
You see everything you dream of seeing.
You do everything you dream of doing.
Be everything you want to be.
You are the most precious and beautiful gift I have ever received in my life. You have taught me more than I could have ever imagined, and you have brought such joy, love and laughter into my life. In a way I feel like you gave birth to me, because I have never felt more alive and whole as a person. You are my everything. I truly love you with all that I am. You are my angel and my inspiration and this blog is dedicated to you.

February 16, 2011


Dearest Clarity,
Since I've started school things have just been crazy!!!! Trying to juggle readings and assignments, taking care of my daughter, trying to find her childcare and all the rest of life's challenges, it's been pure chaos!  

Throughout this whole time I've slowly started to feel myself get weaker and weaker.  My body started aching, no matter how much sleep I got, I was still tired.  I had no patience left, and my overall love for life just started slipping away.  So last week the universe or maybe myself decided that things needed to change.  I ended up having an unexpected surgery along with other health issues and I am still recovering.  It has been very painful and difficult, but at the same time its given me a chance to stop, think and reflect.  Why did this happen to me?  

This whole week I have struggled with having to be still and not having the ability to get up and go go go like usual.  I've realized that that is how I numb myself from feeling.  I don't have to face myself and my thoughts and feelings, if I don't ever stop.  I never take time to sit or lie down in silence, only when I'm completely exhausted and just pass out.  It's almost like a foreign concept to me.  When I'm stressed, tired or upset I grab a glass of wine, or go out with friends, put the t.v on, anything but be still or quiet.  

I've also realized through conversation with my mother and writing in my journal, that this happened so that I would wake up.  Wake up and see that I am not acknowledging me.  I'm a nervous wreck!  Is it possible that it is that hard for me to be still?  I've neglected myself to the point that my body is shutting down?  That's crazy!  I felt so many different emotions when I realized this, and I thought how did I get here? 

Through this I have truly come to believe that our lowest points are our biggest lessons and our most precious gifts, if we use them.  I have spent the last week eating as much nutritious food as possible, taking as many vitamins as possible and resting as much as possible.  I'm trying to build my strength up and get back to the me I know and love, with some fine tuning! :) 

The hardest part has been trying to take some time to be still, check in with myself.  My goal is to write every night and meditate for at least 5-10 min every morning.  Sounds so easy, right?  Well if you are reading this post and can relate to it in any way, I challenge you.  I challenge you to sit still, in silence for 5-10 minutes.  I challenge you because I am seeing how important it is, and how much you can gain from being there for yourself, listening to what is going on in your mind, body and soul. 

I dedicate this one to my Happy Queen!

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