Dearest Clarity
I wish that you fully love who you are and everything that you are.
That you embrace being a woman, love being a woman and see the power and beauty in being a woman.
You feel honored and comfortable in your own beautiful skin.
You live your life to the fullest.
You see everything you dream of seeing.
You do everything you dream of doing.
Be everything you want to be.
You are the most precious and beautiful gift I have ever received in my life. You have taught me more than I could have ever imagined, and you have brought such joy, love and laughter into my life. In a way I feel like you gave birth to me, because I have never felt more alive and whole as a person. You are my everything. I truly love you with all that I am. You are my angel and my inspiration and this blog is dedicated to you.

January 26, 2011


Dearest Clarity,
This weather is crazy!!!!!!  It is so, so cold.  I actually like winter, up until about now!  I have been sooooooo tired lately, no matter how much sleep I get.  I don't want to go anywhere or do anything, which I have to say I am kind of enjoying.  Ive decided to take advantage of this ridiculously cold part of the year, and just chill out.  Lot's of movies, cuddles and popcorn.  My daughter said to me the other day "Mom, we have winter for a reason.  It's so we can pretend to be bears and sleep a lot.  Then when winter is over and it's spring, we can have the energy to dance with the birds and play with the sun."  I have a feeling she's right, they always are! :)

Happy Hibernation!

January 18, 2011


Dearest Clarity,
So I finally started school!!! which is why I haven't been around lately. I feel so funny wearing a back-pack again! Maybe because I'm so damn short, I look like I should be going to high school when I have it on.  haha!  I feel like such a nerd too, yesterday I had to ask these girls in my class to be quiet because I wanted to hear the lecture, and I sit in the front row!  These are things I never would have done in high school, because back then I thought I was too cool for school, and that is the very reason I'm still having to go to school now. Oh well! You live and you learn, right?  

I have to say it is pretty intense.  I've really had to change a lot of my habits and my daughters. Getting her to fall a sleep on her own is one of them, which I'm just beginning to think is never gonna happen! :(   Also getting myself to sleep earlier is not working out so much, no matter how tired I am.  I just cherish my down time at night so much, I never want it to end! It's the only time as a parent I feel I can really just chill out.  

On a good note, I am feeling really good about being back in school.  I know I'm doing the right thing and I feel like I'm on the right path finally, which feels great.  It's been a long, crazy journey so far and I really feel like its just gonna get better and better from here.  

At school I am studying child development.  It is so interesting to learn about our little munchkins and to see where I've gone right, and where I've gone wrong. Well, where I've gone wrong was a bit hard to swallow but there is no such thing as a perfect parent.  That's the one thing Ive gotten out of my classes so far, that I'm thankful for.  I can be so hard on myself when it comes to being a mom, but I'm realizing we can only do the best we can as parents.  As long as we are acting and making decisions out of love and respect for ourselves and our children, we will be alright. 

Well wish me luck! I 'm gonna get back to my readings now, cause I am proud to say that I am no longer to cool for school, I am now too school for cool! :)

January 3, 2011


Dearest Clarity,
Gosh its been a while since I've written!  The holiday's were so crazy, as usual. My daughter and I were super duper sick for half of it, but managed to get better just in time for our Christmas celebration, which was wonderful!  

I hope you all had a magical time with your friends and family as well!

 We took down our tree yesterday, which is always a sad moment for me, cause it's my favourite part of Christmas! ( I know I'm a bit of a child) At the same time though, I always feel like its the last clean up, or the real ending before the new beginning.  The beginning of a fresh start for everyone, a new year!  I used to think New years resolutions were stupid because let's face it, half the time people don't end up following through with them, but this year I am happy to say that I have a different attitude.  

Whether you follow through or not, I think making that resolution or decision to change something for the better, is always a positive thing.  This year, mine is to try and slow down a bit, enjoy what I have, who I have, and all the little things in life that we tend to let pass by, or take for granted.  

I think what I really want is BALANCE!  Something I know I've always needed to work on.  I tend to do everything in extremes which is no good.  For example, I want to loose weight, so normally I would say ok, no more wine, no more carbs, no more sugar, run every day. Ive come to realize, doing things in extremes like that never works.  So I've decided I am going to have a balance, cut down my portion sizes in everything I do.  When I eat, drink, socialize, work, clean, all of it.  So this is my challenge for myself, and anyone else out there who feels that they too can benefit from balance.

Let's have a great year!