So the next time she had her weekly release about her dad I took a deep breath and told her. I told her that her dad loves her and it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with her. I told her that her dad unfortunately just couldn't handle what life had thrown at him and that we needed to pray for him and respect that that is all he can do. I also said that I don't agree with his decisions and that she had every right to be sad and angry and that I was so so so sorry that she has to deal with this but again it wasn't her fault. I then reminded her of all the amazing people she has in her life and how much they love her. Most importantly I told her to let out her sadness and that I would be there to hold her and support her but once she released she needed to stand up straight and go live her life with a smile on her face because it can always be worse, and she can't let this bring her down. She can still do anything she wants and be anything she wants. Not to use this as a crutch or an excuse. Don't be a victim. You are strong you are beautiful and you will be OK.
It is an on going struggle and a conversation that will continue to change and grow but being able to communicate with my daughter and sitting there and having those real moments is what life is all about. So I send out all of my love and support to all the single parents out there dealing with this, it's tough but just breathe follow your heart and believe in you and your child cause you are strong enough to get through this.
If anyone has any advice on how they dealt with this issue or a similar one I would love to hear it! Every child is different and every situation is different so hearing different opinions and examples can be such a great help.